UT researchers are leaders in model-based Battery Management Systems (BMS) for improved battery lifetime and performance and in the control, estimation and optimization of electric and hybrid dynamical systems. In collaboration with experimental researchers, they are also optimizing battery designs and developing next generation battery materials based on multiscale and multiphysics models.
Research Areas
- Novel, fast codes and models for BMS
- Model-based battery material design and battery design optimization
- Models for next-generation materials including Li-S and Li-metal batteries
- Control of energy systems that include batteries using reduced order modeling – optimal control, switching control, non-minimum phase systems and control, real-time monitoring and control
- Hybrid power system development
- Control, modeling, estimation, optimization and diagnosis of dynamical systems, especially for hybrid and electrified vehicles
Project Examples
- Fastest reported code for a battery model, including patented, robust solvers for a range of applications. See M.A.P.L.E. Lab for Free Codes and Solvers
- Model-based charging profiles – led to 2X improvement in lifetime of 18 Ah LiBs
- Dynamic performance control of vanadium redox flow cell battery
- Control frameworks for hybrid EVs and locomotives and integrated wind turbines/energy storage systems
- Medium-duty eTruck: Pilot electrified fleets in urban and regional applications
- M.A.P.L.E. Lab – Battery cyclers (up to 60A), module testers, thermal chambers, EIS and ultra-fast programmable load capabilities (<10µs rise time)
- Mobility Systems Lab - Full-instrumented autonomous hybrid electric vehicle, electric medium-duty trucks, in-wheel motor electric vehicles, four-wheel-steering-drive scaled electric vehicles
Faculty in This Area
Dongmei (Maggie) Chen
Venkat Subramanian
Junmin Wang
Recent Research Projects
Model-based BMS for Current and Next-Generation Batteries
Venkat Subramanian
TexTalks Webinar Series
Modeling the SEI Layer Growth to Predict Capacity Fade
Venkat Subramanian
Journal of the Electrochemical Society
Lithium-ion Battery Physics and Statistics-based State of Health Model
Venkat Subramanian
Journal of Power Sources
Power Management for a Hybrid Locomotive
Dongmei (Maggie) Chen
Dynamic Systems and Control Conference
Power Control of an Integrated Wind Turbine and Battery System
Dongmei (Maggie) Chen
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control
State of Charge Estimation for Lithium-ion Battery
Junmin Wang
Journal of Energy Storage
Self-adaptive Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy for Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Junmin Wang
IEEE Xplore